Tag Archive: mud


Mudfest is a festival in Boryeong that goes on for 9 or so days in July. It takes about 2 hours from Seoul or 5 hours from Busan on a bus, but you can take the KTX as well. There’s groups that leave from Busan and Seoul (and I’m sure other cities and towns) so you don’t have to worry about planning anything.

Mudfest 003There is some free mud, but most you have to pay to get into an area where there are slides and the like but the lines are massive. In hindsight I wish I had not gone there because we didn’t go in for long because we didn’t want to wait an hour (with no food or drinks) in the sun to get back into mud. The one that we did do was fun, where you run and jump onto a slide, like slip n slide but inflated. There were some rocks on it though, which I think was from peoples feet.

The beach there was nice because it had real waves! That’s something we’re not used to in Busan and one guy got hit with a wave so hard he fell and got all cut up! He was okay though. Going in the ocean is great for cleaning off if you don’t want to go all the way back to the minbok (the place we were staying, and it seemed like everyone was staying) which is like a hostel but you sleep on the floor.

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At one point, the Blue Eagles were there and did a mini-show.

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At night my friends played music and there were fireworks.

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National Maritime Museum

Came here after the Taejongdae lookout–take the 101 bus and get off when it turns left at a fork in the road and walk down the right fork for a few minutes. I think you can take another bus but I couldn’t find where that one left from. The building is pretty easy to identify once you get near it. The anchors outside help.

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At the time there was a display on Tidal flats which was pretty interesting but it didn’t have English on the display.

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Then there were some adorable photos of kids playing in mud. I’m pretty sure that these are there all the time.

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It was also all decked out for Christmas which was really cute.

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There was some art work on display in the basement, but I liked the boats hanging from the ceiling more!

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There were some live fish as well, but not too many interesting fish other than the lion fish. Oh, and starfish that you can pick up and play with, and, if you’re the Korean boy below, throw as hard as you can back into the water.

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Also some interactive things where you can practice working on a sail boat! If I was a kid or if the line was not so long I would have done this.

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The top floor was all about the history of Korea and things Koreans have done in relation to water. The best was this one with the seductive seal.

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The view from the top was not great, as the roof extends for awhile.